What's up with your name?! Apayo, Apay'u or Apay'uq?

In 2019, I corrected the spelling of my misspelled Yup'ik name, Apayo. Although I knew the full version of my name was spelled, Apay'uq, we allowed for the misspelling of my nickname in school, likely because it is my nickname and it didn't seem important. But into my adulthood, learning of the colonization history of our people, and the submissive ways we enable the subtle disregard for the Alaska Native Cultures, I decided to confuse friends, family and art followers and made the move to correct the spelling (haha). There isn't an "o" in the Yup'ik alphabet. For short, my name is still said as we've always said it, "Apay'u (Ah-by-you) and the full version (maybe if I'm in trouble or making you really laugh) is, Apay'uq (Ah-by-ooq). And there you have it, Apay'uq/Apay'u formerly known as, Apayo. Goodbye Apayo!
My Purpose: To share a vision of our people and a lifestyle many can only dream of living
2024 Nunalleq archeological site
A Place that's always been, Alaskanative.life |
our peopleIf you really know Yup'ik people, you understand our need to share with and care for one another. You understand that subsistence, although doesn't gain us monetary profits, gains us mental and physical wellness. Wealth in our villages goes far beyond bank accounts and dives deep into our full freezers and the generosity of our family. Our Way of Life, is a way of living that encompasses happiness that is only achievable through generosity and integrity. The greed that Pebble Mine offers is what our elders have told us will destroy our relationships with each other and our environment. If we feed our land and water toxic mining waste, that is what we will be eating too. #SaveBristolBay